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Young Entrepreneurs

Hobby & Interest


Hobby & Interest


Hobbies and interests usually reflect the characters of individuals. Sports lovers are usually seen on the move. Fashion lovers cannot wait to get their hands on the latest trends. And fans of fishing are usually more patient than most. So if you are one of these patient folks, you do not have to wait long for a great catch. In Hong Kong, fishing is fantastic out at sea. Likewise, fishing in reservoirs is just as much fun as fishing in the sea, plus you will not get seasick. Just remember that fishing in reservoirs is only allowed during the non-spawning season and also requires a licence.


Another hobby for patient types is philately. In fact, in Hong Kong, stamp collecting has over a hundred years of history. Modern stamp designs are a dynamic reflection of Hong Kong today. There are a variety of designs with different stamp themes. Buying philatelic products can be done online – taking the hassles out of queuing up at the post office.

E-learning resources from RTHK

Often, a hobby is more enjoyable after a bit of study. It can even lead to a career opportunity. E-learning resources from RTHK [Chinese version only] provide many different online courses. The most popular course is related to food, that is yummy dishes DIY [Chinese version only] course, which suit Hong Kong people’s palate best.