Fisheries Technical Officer -
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Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department - Fisheries Technical Officer

Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department

/en/gov-job/job/detail.htm?content-id=2354340§ion=GOVJOB en Fisheries Technical Officer

Does a science student always end up with a job in the lab? Lawrence Leung, a Fisheries Technical Officer II, tells us that, with his science background, he was assigned on the first day of his job to take diving lessons and come into direct contact with the undersea world. From one who did not know much about fish, to one who has fallen in love with the ocean, he can now distinguish between different kinds of sea creatures. Through this job, he has come to embrace marine life and enter the diverse world of fisheries. As a result, he has also developed a greater fondness for the earth.

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Official recruitment page

2354340 2019-09-05 00:00:00.0 2029-09-05 00:00:00.0 false

Does a science student always end up with a job in the lab? Lawrence Leung, a Fisheries Technical Officer II, tells us that, with his science background, he was assigned on the first day of his job to take diving lessons and come into direct contact with the undersea world. From one who did not know much about fish, to one who has fallen in love with the ocean, he can now distinguish between different kinds of sea creatures. Through this job, he has come to embrace marine life and enter the diverse world of fisheries. As a result, he has also developed a greater fondness for the earth.

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