Legal Trainee -
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Department of Justice - Legal Trainee

Department of Justice

/en/gov-job/job/detail.htm?content-id=2354377§ion=GOVJOB en Legal Trainee

Crystal, Legal Trainee of Department of Justice, "During my traineeship, I have already taken part in the prosecution of different cases in the Magistrates' Courts on behalf of the Department of Justice."

Salvador, Legal Trainee of Department of Justice, "I was once engaged in a Judicial Review which involved complicated international law issues. It may bring extensive impact on the relevant policies."

Please watch the video of Legal Trainee of Department of Justice for more information on job duties and career prospects, etc.

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Official recruitment page

2354377 2019-09-05 00:00:00.0 2029-05-11 00:00:00.0 false

Crystal, Legal Trainee of Department of Justice, "During my traineeship, I have already taken part in the prosecution of different cases in the Magistrates' Courts on behalf of the Department of Justice."

Salvador, Legal Trainee of Department of Justice, "I was once engaged in a Judicial Review which involved complicated international law issues. It may bring extensive impact on the relevant policies."

Please watch the video of Legal Trainee of Department of Justice for more information on job duties and career prospects, etc.

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Official recruitment page

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