Air Traffic Control Officer -
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Civil Aviation Department - Air Traffic Control Officer

Civil Aviation Department

/en/gov-job/job/detail.htm?content-id=2380012§ion=GOVJOB en Air Traffic Control Officer

Air Traffic Control Officer (ATCO) are normally promoted from the rank of Student Air Traffic Control Officer (SATCO) who have successfully passed all the requisite basic trainings. The pay scale for SATCO is TPS Point 11 - 14.  Job experience in the profession will start with working as supporting staff in the Air Traffic Control Centre and Control Tower providing assistance to qualified ATCOs. As part of the air traffic control training, SATCO have the opportunity to take up overseas flying training in single-engine light aircraft. Subject to satisfactory performance, SATCO will also be selected to attend an overseas air traffic control course to enhance their aviation knowledge and to broaden their exposure in air traffic control operations. The course will include fundamental aviation subjects such as navigation, meteorology, telecommunications, aviation laws and air traffic control procedures etc.

Please watch the video for more information about the work of the post of Air Traffic Control Officer.

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Official recruitment page

2380012 2020-05-13 00:00:00.0 2099-12-31 00:00:00.0 false

Air Traffic Control Officer (ATCO) are normally promoted from the rank of Student Air Traffic Control Officer (SATCO) who have successfully passed all the requisite basic trainings. The pay scale for SATCO is TPS Point 11 - 14.  Job experience in the profession will start with working as supporting staff in the Air Traffic Control Centre and Control Tower providing assistance to qualified ATCOs. As part of the air traffic control training, SATCO have the opportunity to take up overseas flying training in single-engine light aircraft. Subject to satisfactory performance, SATCO will also be selected to attend an overseas air traffic control course to enhance their aviation knowledge and to broaden their exposure in air traffic control operations. The course will include fundamental aviation subjects such as navigation, meteorology, telecommunications, aviation laws and air traffic control procedures etc.

Please watch the video for more information about the work of the post of Air Traffic Control Officer.

Organisation chart
Official recruitment page

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