Personal Secretary II -
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/en/gov-job/job/detail.htm?content-id=2420318§ion=GOVJOB en Personal Secretary II

(*The video above is in Cantonese)

A Personal Secretary II is mainly deployed to a bureau or department to carry out secretarial duties, which may involve word processing, assisting superiors in scheduling meetings and tasks, handling enquiries and providing office support.

To let you know more about the work of Personal Secretary II, David, who currently works as Personal Secretary II, will share his experience working in this post for a year and a half.

Official recruitment page

2420318 2022-01-25 00:00:00.0 2099-12-31 00:00:00.0 false

(*The video above is in Cantonese)

A Personal Secretary II is mainly deployed to a bureau or department to carry out secretarial duties, which may involve word processing, assisting superiors in scheduling meetings and tasks, handling enquiries and providing office support.

To let you know more about the work of Personal Secretary II, David, who currently works as Personal Secretary II, will share his experience working in this post for a year and a half.

Official recruitment page

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