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Search Result: 13
Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship
Sir Edward Youde Memorial Awards for Self-improvement for Working Adults
Financial Assistance Scheme for Designated Evening Adult Education Courses
Sir Edward Youde Memorial Overseas Fellowship / Scholarship for Disabled Students
Sir Edward Youde Memorial Outstanding Apprentice Awards
Sea-going Training Incentive Scheme
Agricultural Products Scholarship Fund and Marine Fish Scholarship Fund - Tertiary Education Awards
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund
The information of others scholarships (Website of the Life planning of the Education Bureau)
Extended Non-Means-Tested Loan Scheme(ENLS)
Sir Robert Black Trust Fund Postgraduate Scholarships
Sir Edward Youde Memorial Scholarships for Overseas Studies
Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowships for Overseas Studies
Last Update Date: 27 Sep 2020