Entrepreneurship in the Greater Bay Area

Qianhai unveils 12 measures to empower HK, Macao youths (Chinese only)
(The story is in Chinese only. Please refer to the Chinese version.)

[GoGBA one-stop platform] New features to help develop businesses in the Greater Bay Area
Unleash the potential for local young people and Small and Medium Enterprises in the thriving Greater Bay Area (GBA). Hong Kong Trade Development Council's GoGBA one-stop platform offers comprehensive career and business information in the GBA. Apart from the new Career and Service Providers features, the GoGBA Go-to Guides for instance, hope to help entrepreneurs and businesses with the first steps of setting up a business, handling taxation and completing related procedures. Connect with business partners and access career information in the GBA with just few clicks! Visit www.go-gba.com to know more!
Stay connected with our GoGBA WeChat Mini-program for the latest updates.
(Scan QR code in WeChat)
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Startup Support

[Social Innovation] SIE Fund's new batch of intermediaries to provide support for social entrepreneurs
The Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIE Fund) has appointed four organisations as the third batch of intermediaries in 2023 to run a new round of innovative programmes to provide support for more social entrepreneurs. By promoting social innovation and entrepreneurship, it enables more social entrepreneurs to address social needs through innovative ideas, products and services, and assists the Government in formulating targeted poverty alleviation initiatives. The four intermediaries appointed are Fullness Social Enterprises Society Ltd, the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, MakerBay Foundation Limited and Oxfam Hong Kong.The four intermediaries are knowledgeable and experienced organisations in the social innovation field. They aim to nurture and support social innovators and organisations to develop innovative projects with diversity and impact through the following innovative programmes. Individuals and organisations with innovative ideas in addressing poverty issues and wish to seek financial support to implement innovative projects may learn more by clicking the below logos and approach the intermediaries running innovative programmes directly and submit applications under their funding schemes.Wish to compare the four innovative programmes in one go? Do not miss the Programme at a glance, a clear comparison table highlighting the eligibility, amount of grant and uniquite features of the prorgammes. Innovator FarmImpact IncubatorImpact Innovation LabGrant for GoodWhat is Social Innovation? What are Social Entrepreneurs? Click here to view the story《6 Fun Facts about Social Innovation》and know more!

“Start-up Express” - A Journey to Success for Hong Kong Start-ups
Start-up Express is Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC)'s highly curated start-up development programme that targets start-ups offering innovative and tech products or solutions, as well as with strong desire to enter the international market. Through a series of capability building, mentoring sessions, marketing activities, extensive publicity, and pitching opportunities, the programme aims to assist local start-ups in building connection, exploring markets, seeking business and funding partners, and enhancing brand awareness.
Target Participants
Start-ups incorporated on or after 1st January 2019;
Start-ups raising less than USD10 million in funding;
Start-ups with a valid business registration in Hong Kong;
Start-ups with a focus on technologies related to Art tech, Fintech, Health tech, Prop tech, Smart city, Sustainability.
Registration is open till 6 May 2024. For further details on the programme and registration method, please visit the official website.
Click here to view the details of the past winners.

[Social Innovation] SIE Fund's new batch of intermediaries to provide support for social entrepreneurs
The Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIE Fund) has appointed four organisations as the third batch of intermediaries in 2023 to run a new round of innovative programmes to provide support for more social entrepreneurs. By promoting social innovation and entrepreneurship, it enables more social entrepreneurs to address social needs through innovative ideas, products and services, and assists the Government in formulating targeted poverty alleviation initiatives. The four intermediaries appointed are Fullness Social Enterprises Society Ltd, the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, MakerBay Foundation Limited and Oxfam Hong Kong.The four intermediaries are knowledgeable and experienced organisations in the social innovation field. They aim to nurture and support social innovators and organisations to develop innovative projects with diversity and impact through the following innovative programmes. Individuals and organisations with innovative ideas in addressing poverty issues and wish to seek financial support to implement innovative projects may learn more by clicking the below logos and approach the intermediaries running innovative programmes directly and submit applications under their funding schemes.Wish to compare the four innovative programmes in one go? Do not miss the Programme at a glance, a clear comparison table highlighting the eligibility, amount of grant and uniquite features of the prorgammes. Innovator FarmImpact IncubatorImpact Innovation LabGrant for GoodWhat is Social Innovation? What are Social Entrepreneurs? Click here to view the story《6 Fun Facts about Social Innovation》and know more!

“Start-up Express” - A Journey to Success for Hong Kong Start-ups
Start-up Express is Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC)'s highly curated start-up development programme that targets start-ups offering innovative and tech products or solutions, as well as with strong desire to enter the international market. Through a series of capability building, mentoring sessions, marketing activities, extensive publicity, and pitching opportunities, the programme aims to assist local start-ups in building connection, exploring markets, seeking business and funding partners, and enhancing brand awareness.
Target Participants
Start-ups incorporated on or after 1st January 2019;
Start-ups raising less than USD10 million in funding;
Start-ups with a valid business registration in Hong Kong;
Start-ups with a focus on technologies related to Art tech, Fintech, Health tech, Prop tech, Smart city, Sustainability.
Registration is open till 6 May 2024. For further details on the programme and registration method, please visit the official website.
Click here to view the details of the past winners.
More Information
Useful Links
- Register .hk and .香港 domains
- HKTDC Business Matching
- e-Cert
- Unsolicited Electronic Messages Ordinance
- Hong Kong Industry Profile
- Support services for Youth Entrepreneurs at Y.E.S. Services
- Trade Descriptions Ordinance
- Hong Kong Consumer Protection Legislations
- Support and Consultation Centre for Small and Medium Enterprises
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Innovation Hub@HK
- e-Authentication
- Meet-the-Advisors Business Advisory Service
- Statistics conducted by Census and Statistics Department
- Electronic Transactions Ordinance
- Government Funding Schemes for Startup
- Tax information for Employers
- Government Electronic Trading Services
- Government Rent
- Employers' Obligations under the MPF System
- Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre
- Starting a Business (Licensing, Registration & Regulations)
- Product testing
- intellectual property registration
- Occupational Safety & Health
- Labour Legislation & Guidelines
- The Information about Information Technology
- Labour Relations
- Business & Company Registration
- Property Market Statistics
- ISO Accreditation
- We Venture
- Licensing & Permits
- Stamp Duty
- Rates
- Registration of a new company
- Code of Practice against Discrimination in Employment
- Youth Business Hong Kong
- Business Information on China
- Privacy Protection on Employment
- Payment of Government Bills
- Payment & Refund
- First Time Taxpayer
- Eligibility for Election of Personal Assessment
- Completion and Filing of Return
- Electronic Tax Reserve Certificates Scheme
- Late charges for tax in default
- e-Seminar for Individual Taxpayers
- Open an eTAX account
- Change of address
- Tax Calculator
- Tax payment methods
Last Update Date: 02 Jan 2025